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LOCAL and Global Impact


Missions at Otterbein

When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus answered with two: “You must love the Lord your God” and “You must love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:34-40). 

Following Jesus's call, founder of the early Methodist movement John Wesley taught us to grow in our faith by “doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all” (General Rules).

At Otterbein United Methodist Church, we serve locally and nationally and support missions globally.

Mission Accomplished!
Our Otterbein Missions crew completed their work at the Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky.

The need remains critical in this isolated, rural distressed area. Chronic poverty, lack of jobs, poor housing, and rugged mountainous terrain provide obstacles to a fuller life for the residents of this area. Through Red Bird, our missions crew will be provided an opportunity to serve and be successful in the giving of their time and to sense the love of God.

Valentine snack baskets for emergency responders

Valentine snack baskets were delivered to local emergency responders.

Otterbein Missions reaches out to those who give to the community in different ways. This year, we focused on our local first responders.  Valentine snack baskets were delivered to Life Lion, Boiling Springs Fire, Mt Holly Fire, and Yellow Breeches Ambulance.

We received a nice thank you from the Life Lion crew, "It's nice to be recognized by the communities we serve in such a thoughtful way!!!"

Local Mission Opportunities

We encourage you to volunteer for these opportunities recommended by the Susquehanna Conference by contacting them directly.

Neighborhood Center of UMC - Harrisburg - Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

The Neighborhood Center of the United Methodist Church has served a multi-ethnic uptown neighborhood, as well as the total Harrisburg community, since 1910 with educational, cultural, social service, basic needs, leadership, and recreational programs for children and their families.

The center welcomes volunteer groups of all ages for various projects. Please contact QueTrina at   or 717-233-6541

Mission Central - Mechanicsburg, PA - Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

Mission Central ( is looking for mission volunteers to fill a variety of roles within the organization. Volunteer opportunities are flexible and accommodate almost all physical abilities. Volunteers can volunteer once a week, once a month, or at any interval they choose. There are opportunities in the warehouse and in the office, as well as internship opportunities. Please contact   or call 717-766-1533 for more information.

otterbein's supported organizations and missionaries

Local Missions

Bethany House - Bethany House | Transitional Housing | Foster Care | Aging Out
Mission Central -
UMCOR (UM Committee On Relief) -
UM Home for Children, Mechanicsburg -
Project Share -
Community Cares -
Samaritan Fellowship -
Safe Harbour -
Salvation Army -
Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties -
South Middleton School District – Back-to-School Clothing
Toys for Tots
Carwood Farms - Beef Sponsorship - Carwood Farms
Hope Walks – Freedom from Clubfoot
Rise Against Hunger

National Missions

Red Bird Mission - Kentucky
McCurdy Ministries, New Mexico -
Bo Memorial Church 
Sierra Leone Initiative -

Global Missions

UMCOR - United Methodist Committee on Relief
Rise Against Hunger
Hope Walks - Freedom from Clubfoot
Dr. Emmanuel Mefor and Nurse Midwife, Florence Mefor
Lisa Nichols 
Jubilee Project, Sneedville, TN -